Eurasia Packaging Fair, was held for the 24th time this year in cooperation with Packaging Manufacturers Association and Reed Tuyap on 31 October to 3 November at TUYAP where 60,000 visitors from 95 countries was hosted and packaging solutions for any kind of needs from packaging products to packaging machines were exhibited as well as food processing equipment and packaging printing technology.
Zeki Sarıbekir, CEO of Sarten, said “Guitar Made of Metal Packages” was exhibited last year at the fairground in order to catch the visitors’ eye as part of the joint project put into practice with Metal Packaging Europe and the project is proceeding this year as well with theme of ‘metal recycles forever’
“The module which was made of metal packagings containing tuna fish will be donated to the Turkish Red Crescent at the end of the fair and 4,000 cans of tuna fish will be delivered to the needy. We would like to thank Erhan Tan, Chairman of the Turkish Red Crescent Gungoren Branch who supported us in this process.” Saribekir told.
The Recycles Forever Sculpture comprised 640 kilos of tuna, providing some 1.600 meals for a family of four.
About Metal Packaging Europe:
Metal Packaging Europe gives Europe’s rigid metal packaging industry a unified voice, by bringing together manufacturers, suppliers, and national associations. We proactively position and support the positive attributes and image of metal packaging through joint marketing, environmental and technical initiatives. We represent the industry’s views and voice opinions so that stakeholders understand how metal packaging contributes to the Circular Economy. Our goal is to make metal the preferred choice for consumer and industrial packaging.
About Canstruction:
Canstruction, Inc. is a global non-profit food charity, founded in 1992 and headquartered in Atlanta, GA, USA. Having raised, over 72 million pounds of food worldwide, Canstruction hosts events in over 150 cities around the world to raise hunger awareness with its sculptures created out of canned food. To learn more, visit www.canstruction.org. Canstruction® is a trademarked charity, no person or organization may organize a Canstruction® event or anything similar to a Canstruction® event without express written consent from Canstruction, Inc.